NEWS for Mercury 14.01 ---------------------- Changes to the Mercury language: * Repeated type variables may now occur in the heads of type class instances. For example, instance declarations like the following are now allowed: :- instance foo(list(T), map(T, T)). Changes to the Mercury standard library: * We have added the function cord.condense/1. * The following functions in the standard library's cord module now use constant stack space: foldl/3, foldl_pred/4. * We have added the following predicates to the array and version_array modules: is_empty/1, all_true/2 and all_false/2. * We have added the following predicates and functions to the map module: det_min_key/1, det_max_key/1, foldl2_values/6 and foldl3_values/8. * We have added the following predicates to the list module: foldr2/6, foldr3/8, det_take/3 and map_foldr/5. * We have added the following predicates to the bag module: foldl/4 and foldl2/6. * We have added the following predicates to the assoc_list module: foldl2_values/6 and foldl3_values/8. * We have added the following predicates and functions to the pqueue module: is_empty/1, peek/3, peek_key/2, peek_value/2, det_peek/3, merge/3, det_peek_key/1 and det_peek_value/1. * We have added the predicate bimap.equal/2. * We have added the following predicates to the int module: fold_up3/9 and fold_down3/9. Changes to the Mercury compiler: * On Mac OS X systems the compiler is now configured use the version of the host system as the default value for the deployment target. A new configuration option, `--with-macosx-deployment-target', allows an alternative value to be selected at configuration time. Portability improvements: * We have made the implementation compatible with GCC 4.8 and Visual Studio 2013. * We have made the implementation compatible with OS X 10.9. Changes to the extras distribution: * We've added a library that provides support for accessing the function trail from Mercury code. For news about earlier versions, see the HISTORY file.